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About Me

I started by studying Graphic Design at a Technical Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. A year later, I switched majors and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing and Psychology at Burlington College in Burlington, Vermont.

I wrote human interest stories for a local newspaper called “The Vermont Times.”

I graduated, moved to Austin, Texas, and started pursuing a career in writing. I wrote four novels and two novellas while bartending in fancy Italian restaurants.

I moved to San Diego in 2020. During the commotion, I decided to make a change. I earned a certificate in Technical Writing in 2022 and began taking CS50x, Harvard’s Introduction to Computer Science. I discovered that I love working with and around coding and new technologies.

I like organizing and explaining new tech in ways that make it easy to grasp. I enjoy writing in VS Code, using Markdown, collaborating through GitHub, using Jira and Confluence, and learning new programming languages.

I also love working on teams. I’m excited to work with other Technical Writers, Engineers, Developers, Product Managers, and other Subject Matter Experts. Looking forward to seeing what the future will bring!